Monday, October 25, 2010


Green Zone is an Iraqi War movie starring Matt Damon. Damon plays Roy Miller, a Chief Warrant Officer and head of a group of soldiers who are sent on WMD-finding missions through Iraq.  Basically, Damon's crew comes up empty at spot after spot, finding no WMD's anywhere, leading to Miller to question whether there are any WMD's to found at all.  Brendan Gleeson (the big guy from In Bruges) and Greg Kinnear also star in the movie, along with Amy Ryan, who I couldn't get out of my head as Michael Scott's girlfriend Holly from The Office.

This is far more of a political movie, rather than a 'war' movie.  If you believe that we were lead into this war under the false assumption, or flat out lie, that there were WMD's in Iraq, then this is the movie for you.  Personally, I could care less what some movie that's so heavy-handed is trying to tell me.

Long story short, it wasn't bad, but it wasn't very good either.  In an earlier post, I described how I appreciate when a movie can make you 'feel' something - anything.  This was the opposite of that kind of movie.  I basically just didn't care.  It was ok, but if you lived your whole life without ever seeing this film, trust me, no big deal....  2.5 out of 5 stars.

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